English Composition/Sentence Writing (Part 2)

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English CompositionSentence Writing (Part 2)


Sentence Writing (Part 2)

Passive and Active Voice

In contrast to active voices that emphasize the subject itself of the sentence, in passive sentences (be + past participle), only transitive verbs with objects are used, with a perspective placed on actions and states. The heavy use of passives tends to make the text flat and unclear. There is no problem with chats and regular conversations, but try to use active as much as you can for public texts such as business letters and papers.

Let's compare passives and actives with example sentences:

is, was, have,been,etc.


□ Somebody cleans the room every day. (= actives)
□ The room is cleaned every day by somebody. (= passives)

In passives, it is often unclear or unimportant who or what causes the movement or condition, but use by when you want to be clear. However, when the subject uses the tool to perform its operation, use with.

□ The spring lock was broken with a wrench.
□ Somebody will clean the room later. (= actives)
□ The room will be cleaned later. (= passives)
□ Somebody should have cleaned the room. (= actives)
□ The room should have been cleaned. (= passives)
□ Somebody has cleaned the room. (= actives)
□ The room has been cleaned. (= passives)
□ Somebody had cleaned the room. (= actives)
□ The room had been cleaned. (= passives)
□ Somebody is cleaning the room right now. (= actives)
□ The room is being cleaned now. (= passives)
□ Somebody was cleaning the room when I came in. (= actives)
□ The room was cleaned when I came in. (= passives)
□ My grandfather built this house in 1960. (= actives) 
□ This house was built in 1960 by my grandfather. (= passives)
□ The meeting ’’took’’ place the day before yesterday. (= actives)
□ The meeting ’’was taken’’ place the day before yesterday. (= passives)

being, doing, etc.


□ My boss doesn't like people keeping him waiting. (= actives)
□ My boss doesn't like being kept waiting. (= passives)
□ I remember my mother giving me a handmade doll on my fifth birthday. (= actives)
□ I remember being given a handmade doll on my fith birthday. (= passives) 

Use passiveness more positively when focusing on the situation / state than the subject.


□ In the south coast area, more than four hundred houses were destroyed by the storm.

In everyday conversation, when expressing situations / conditions where something happens or changes, we often use get instead of be. (be can be used at any time.)


□ There was an trafic accident at the corner yesterday, but nobody ’’got hurt’’. 
□ How much did you ’’get paid’’ for this job?
□ Most of the students in the class are getting confused.

Exercise 1

Q.1: Rewrite the next sentence to be passive and fill in the parentheses (__).

  1. A car run over my dog.
    → My dog (__________).
  2. I don't like people telling me what to do.
    → I don't like (_____) what to do.
  3. Has anybody told you what to do?
    → Have (_______) what to do?
  4. They offered Tim the new position, but he refused it.
    → Tim (______________), but he refused it.
  5. We can see the whole city from the top of this sky tower.
    → The whole city (________) from the top of this sky tower.

Q.2: Rearrange the words in parentheses to create a passive or active sentence. Use verbs in the correct form.

  1. (cancel, flights, of, snow, all, because, heavy, are)
    (the shop, in, to, I, return, days, should, this, three, DVD)
    (make, monday, until, decision, a, next, not, will, be)
    (when, 20 years old, in 1776, was, Mozart, this, wrote, he, concerto, piano )
    (Mozart, was, in 1776, piano, by, concerto, this, written)

Exercise1 Answer

冠詞の使い方 Articles

冠詞は決定詞/限定詞 (Determiners) と呼ばれるもののひとつです。 冠詞には、a/an, the, そして何もつかないゼロ冠詞の3種類があると考えてください。 日本語の用法にない冠詞の理解は複雑ですが、ここでは基本的なものを学びます。



  • □ I bought a nice birthday present for my girlfriend.
  • □ There's an accident . I saw a car drive down the street over the speed limit.
  • □ My brother is unemployed. He is looking for a job.


  • I need to find a job. ⇔ I need to find work.


□ I eat a banana every morning.(可算)
□ I like bananas.(不可算).
□ We had some interesting experiences while we were on vacation.(可算)
□ They offered me the position because I had a lot of experience.(不可算)


□ I'd like to send some flowers to my mother on her birthday.
Some students of this class applied for the test.
□ We are looking for some volunteers who can stay in the area for three weeks.


□ Cat is an animal.
□ Nicole is a really nice person .
□ Brazil is a country in South America.


□ Jeorge's father is a doctor.
□ Would you like to be an English teacher?


□ Potatoes are on sale only for 2 dollars a pound.
□ Jennifer works nine hours a day, five days a week.
(Jennifer は1日9時間、週5日働きます。)



*サイレント(無発音の)hで始まる単語(hour, honor, honest, herb, etc.,)の前にはanが入ります。

□ I've been waiting for her for an hour. 
□ It's an honor to meet you.


□ Sue graduated from a university in Texas.  
□ I suppose they are from a European country.


特定のひと、もの、場所を表す theaと比較しながら例文を参照してください。

□ Ken sat down on a park bench.
□ Ken sat down on the bench next to the oak tree.
□ My brother is looking for a job.
□ My brother got the job he applied for.
□ I need to go to the bank and then going to the post office.
□ Is there a bank or a post office near here?
□ Marc is not feeling well. He went to the doctor.
□ I saw a man and a woman walking side by side down the street. The man was using a stick, and the woman was helping him.
The hotel we stayed at was a very nice hotel.

ただ1つを意味する the

□ I'm moving out at the end of this month.
□ You are the only one I can trust.

the + 可算名詞の単数形(動物、乗り物、楽器の種類など)

The giraffe is the tallest of all animals.
The bicycle is a useful means of transportation.

* giraffes, bicyclesにはなりません。

最上級の the

□ China is the most populous country in the world.
□ Bikal is the oldest and the deepest lake in the world.

the + エンタテイメント

□ Keiko used to go to the opera theater when she was living in Italy.
□ I heard the news on the radio.

テレビにはtheがつきません→We wached the news on TV. 機器としてのTVを意味するときにはつけます→Turn on the TV, please.

the + 組織

□ Natalie joined the army when she graduated from high school.
□ I'd like to work for the World Health Organization in the future.

*組織名が短縮形のときにはtheを入れません。 → I'd like to work for WHO in the future.

the + 自然(海、川、山脈など)

The Chang Jiang is the longest river in China.

*川/河にはtheがつきますが、個別の湖、島にはつきません。 → The best thing I remember last summer was camping at Lake Erie.


→ I'm going to move near the lake next summer.

□ The project must be in harmony with the environment.
□ There's a village below the Himalayas.

*山脈にはtheがつきますが、個別の山にはつきません。 → Mr. Miura, a Japanese adventurer, climbed Mt.Everest when he was 80 years old.

□ There's no single cloud in the sky.

the + 太陽系

The sun is a star.
The earth goes around the sun. and the moon goes around the earth.

*惑星=planetsにはtheがつきません。(earthには付けてもOK) → Jupiter is the fifth planet of the solar system.


the + 国、民族など


□ Mr. and Mrs. Suzuki live in England.
□ New York is one of the most densely populated city in the world.

Republic, Kingdom, Statesなどを含む国名、または複数形の国名にはtheがつきます。

□ We visited Canada, the United States and the Bahamas.
The Dominican Republic became independent from the United Kingdom in 1978.


The” Japanese are famous for their excellent public manners.


□ Spanish is not very difficult language to learn.

sameの前の the” (the same)

□ His jacket is the same style as mine.
The same thing could happen to anyone.


a もthe もつかないことをゼロ冠詞といいます。不可算名詞または可算名詞の複数で一般名詞を表すときには冠詞をつけません。

□ My mother plant ’’flowers’’ every early spring.
□ I cooked ’’ham’’ and eggs this morning.


□ We had lunch at a very nice seafood restaurant.

ただし、breakfast, lunchなどの前に形容詞を付けた場合はaがはいります。 → We had a nice lunch at a seafood restaurant.



□ Please look at the top of ’’page 19’’, ’’Section A’’.
□ Delta flight 178 leaves from ’’Gate 23’’.


□ I like to watch soccor game on TV.

動詞的な意味を含む(眠ったり学んだり祈ったり・・)場所を表す一般名詞(bed, school, church, home, etc.,)にも冠詞がつきません。

□ When I finish high school, I want to go to university.
□ Kay stayed in bed until late this morning.
□ Her parents go to church evry Sunday.


□ I have an appointment with the dentist on Tuesday.
□ Paul will be turning 20 years old next week.


diabetes(糖尿病)、high blood pressure(高血圧)、hepatitis(肝炎)、cancer(がん)など、病気にはカタチがありませんので基本的には冠詞がつきません。

□ Patient education about diabetes is very important.



a cold(かぜ), a fever(熱), a headach(頭痛のように~achがつくもの), a cough(咳のようなひとつの症状)

□ I have a fever.


the flue(インフルエンザ), the measles(はしか)などの現在流行っている病気

□ She has been sick in bed for three days with the flue.

国名、市区町村名にも冠詞がつきませんが、前項4-2. theで述べていますので参照してください。



  1. Many people are out of (__) work because of (__) recession..
  2. You will find (__) information you need at (__) top of (__) page 11.
  3. Do you know (__) high blood pressure can be (__) life threatening condition?
  4. (__) ancient Greeks invented for the foundation for democratic government.
  5. Akiko is (__) student at (__) Tokyo University.
  6. Bob is (__) IT engineer. He used to work in (__) department of (__) Parker Trading Co.,Ltd. Now he works for (__) American company in (__) United States.
  7. ”How often do you go to (__) movies?” “Two or three times (__) year.”
  8. ”We'd like to go out for (__) dinner tonight. Can you recommend (__) good restaurant?”
  9. Tracy has (__) part -time job at (__) MacDonald's. She works four hours (__) day, three days(__) week.
  10. My grand parents live in (__) old house in (__) small village. There is (__) big cherry tree in front of (__) house. I used to climb (__) tree when I was (__) child.


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