Human Geography/Political geography

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Human GeographyPolitical geography


Political geography is the field of human geography that originally discussed the rise and fall of nations from the geographical and environmental aspects, and there was a close association with geopolitics. Recently, political geography is applied as a field of human geography that is concerned genuinely with political events, and involves the spatial analysis of the relations between international politics and geography from the macro point of view, and the impacts of local autonomy from the micro point of view, for example.


  • Relations with Conventional Geopolitics
    • Geopolitics, Theory by Friedrich Ratzel, Theory by Rudolf Kjellen, Lebensraum (living space) theory by Karl Haushofer
  • Relations between International Politics and Geography (from the macro point of view)
    • National boundary, Territory (nation), Division of Africa, Colony, European Union (EU), Cold War
  • Spatial Analysis on the Impacts of Local Autonomy (from the micro point of view)
    • Administrative geography, Autonomy of citizens and autonomy of groups

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