English Composition/Sentence Writing (Part 1)

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English CompositionSentence Writing (Part 1)


Sentence Writing (Part 1)


It is important to write sentences in a concise and easy-to-understand manner. Generally, one paragraph is created by putting together 5 to 8 sentences in order.

Formal sentences do not use contractions such as I'm, I've, don't, I'll, etc. (Used in spoken sentences such as conversations and emails.)

Sentence writing is available in chapters 5 to 8. Expression of tense in Part 1, usage of auxiliary verbs, expression of passive and active in Part 2, usage of article, usage of conjunction and preposition in Part 3, expression of adjective and adverb in Part 4 - Word order and position Learn about subject-verb matches and punctuation marks. Examples and exercises are provided for each item. The test questions are a mix of practice questions.

Details of each item will be omitted, so please refer to the grammar index list:

  • Tenses
  • Modals
  • Passive and Active Voice
  • Articles
  • Conjunctions and Prepositions
  • Adjectives and Adverbs -Word Order-
  • Subject-Verb Agreement
  • Punctuation


Present form and Present Continuous form

Present form

Present form is used to express everyday things, conditions, and actions, or to state facts. It does not matter if it is in progress at the moment.


I get up at 7:00 every morning.
□ I know that Hiro speaks English very well.(Note: Don't forget the "-s")
The earth goes around the sun.
  • Do / does are used in questions and negative sentences.

□ What do you do?

Note: The present progress form meaning "What are you doing now?"

□ It does not rain very much in the Middle East Countries.

Use the progressive form to express an ongoing thing, condition, or action that has already begun and is not yet finished. It is also used to represent things, conditions, and actions that occur in the near future (today, tonight, this week, etc.) and to represent changes that are happening.

  • Example:

□ Alex is a student at the collage and studying Japanese.

I'm talking to my friend on the phone right now.

□ We can go out now. It isn't raining anymore.

□ The population of Southeast Asia is rising fast.

Past and Past Continuous

We use past tense to describe past actions, events and conditions at a certain point in time. The event or condition that occurred is complete at that time and has no effect on the present.

  • Example:

□ Ludwig van Beethoven was an German musician and composer. He lived from 1770 to 1827 and wrote many outstanding pieces of music.

  • Use did / did not (didn't) in questions and negative sentences.

□ I didn't do anything wrong.

Note: do is the main verb

”Did you have time to study last night?” ”No, I didn't.

We use the past progression form to describe actions, events, or conditions that have been ongoing for a certain period of time in the past.

  • Example:

□ ”What were you doing at 10 o'clock yesterday morning?” ”I was playing tennis with my friend.”

When something happens while you are doing something, you may use both past and past progressing forms in a single sentence.

  • Example:

□ I was walking home last night when I saw the accident.

□ Kei burned her finger while she was cooking.

Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous

Compare the differences:

□ It has rained.(Present Perfect)

□ It has been raining. (Present Perfect Continuous)

Use current perfection when past actions, experiences, and conditions are ongoing or affecting to the present. It is often accompanied by adverbs such as Just, already, yet, before and once, and prepositions such as since and for.

  • Example:

□ He has already submitted the report to his class teacher.

In this case a simple past form is also acceptable → He already submitted the report to his class teacher.

□ We haven't seen each other for a long time.

□ “Have you ever been to Europ?” “Yes, I've been to Itary once.”

□ Ellen has lost her cell phone again. It is the second time this has happened.

The current complete progress form is an expression when certain actions or conditions that have been in the past have recently or just ended and are affecting the present, or are continuing. Often accompanied by how long, for, since.

  • Example:

□ Maria and I have been talking to Ms.Chen about the project, and she agrees with us.

□ Maria has been studying English for three years.

□ How long have you been studying English?

Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous

                              • TBD****************

The past perfect form expresses the movement, experience, and state before a certain point in the past, or until a certain point in the past.

  • Example:

□ I had just gotten home when you called. I had been at my parents home.

□ I didn't know who he was. I had never talked with him before that time.

The past perfection form represents what happened to a certain point in the past or before a certain point in the past.

  • Example:

□ The sun was shining when I got up this morning, but the ground was very wet. It had been raining.

□ We had been playing soccer for an hour when it started to rain.

>> used to (do)

It is used to indicate that we have been on a daily basis at a certain time in the past but not now, and that it was a fact at some time in the past but not now.

  • Example:

□ I used to jog every morning with my dog, but I don't do as much now.

□ There used to be a pharmacy next to the hospital, but it closed a year ago.

*Question form = did (you) used to...? Negative form = did not/didn't used to...

Future expression

An expression that means the future in the present / present progressive form

We use the present progressive form for personal future actions that have already been established at the present time, and the present form for public timetables etc. Let's compare with example sentences.

  • Example:

I'm meeting Ken at the library at 10:00 tomorrow morning.

□ The library opens at 10:00 tomorrow morning.

□ What time are you leaving tomorrow?

□ What time does the train leave tomorrow?

The future expressed in 'Will'

When you propose something, when you agree with something, when you promise something, when you decide to do something, I use it when guessing the future.

  • Example:

□ This assignment looks too much to do. I'll help you with it.

□ “Will you close the window?” “Yes, I will.”

□ “Don't worry. I won't(will not) tell anyone what happened.”

□ I'm tired. I don't think I'll go out tonight.

□ If you don't study hard, you probably won't(will not) pass the exam.

The question of "Shall I/we ...?" is used when making suggestions or recommendations when asking the other party's intention.

Shall I close the door?

□ Where shall we go for dinner tonight?


日本語の意味になるようにカッコ( )を埋めなさい。

  1. 私は英語が上達してきていると思う。
    → I think my English (___________)better.
  2. そのレストランは毎日朝10時から夜10時まで営業している。
    → The restaurant (____)at 10:00a.m. and (____)at 10:00p.m. every day.
  3. そのツアーはそんなに高くなかった。あまりお金がかからなかったよ。
    → The tour (____)very expensive. It (____)very much.
  4. アキラが到着したとき、私たちはイタリアンレストランで昼食を食べていた。
    → We (_______)lunch at the Italian restaurant when Akira (____).
  5. 私たちは彼を30分以上待っています。
    → We (_______)for him more than 30 minutes.
  6. これは私がいままでに遊んだ中で一番面白いゲームだ。
    → This is the most interesting game I (____) ever (____).
  7. 昨年香港に行きました。それまで行ったことがありませんでした。
    → I went to Hong Kong last year. I (_________) there before.
  8. 私が遅刻して長い間待たせてしまったのでジムは腹を立てていた。
    → Jim was angly with me because I was late and he (_________) for a long time.
  9. アンはいま家に居ません。30分以内に戻ると思います。
    → Ann is not home now, I think she (____) back in half an hour .
  10. ”金曜の夜は何をしてる?” ”ガールフレンドと食事に行きます。”
    → “What are you doing on Friday evening?” “(______)to eat out with my girlfriend.”


助動詞の使い方 Modals


can, could, (be) able to

現在の能力を表現するcan, 過去の能力を表現するcould

  • 例文

□  Mary can sing, but she can't play any musical instruments. (メアリーは歌えるけれど楽器は何も演奏できない。)

□ I couldn't finish my homework lastnight, because I fell asleep. (眠ってしまったので夕べは宿題を終えることが出来なかった。)

現在や未来の可能性を表現するcan, could

  • 例文

□ I can come and help you this weekend if you want to. (君が望むなら今週末に行って手伝えるよ。)

□ We could take a trip if we had enough time and money.  (私たちに十分な時間とお金があれば旅行に行けるのに。)

現在や未来の依頼を表現するcan, could

  • 例文

Can you speak a little slower? I can't keep up with you. (もう少しゆっくり話してくれる? 解からないんだ。)

Could I have another cup of coffee? (コーヒーをもう一杯いただけますか?)


  • 例文

□ You can't use my bicycle to go to school tomorrow. I need it. (明日は学校へ行くのに私の自転車を使わないで。私が使うから。)

Can I turn off the TV? I want to concentrate on my homework. (テレビを消してもいい? 宿題に集中したいんだ。)

可能性、能力を表現するときの (be) able to

Can, couldのかわりに(be) able toを使うことがあります。Canのほうがより一般的ですが、canは現在と過去しかありませんので時制によっては(be) able to を使う必要があります。

  • 例文

□ Mr.Zulch, a German research doctor, can speak four languages. = Mr.Zulch, a German research doctor, is able to speak four languages. (ドイツ人の研究医であるZulch氏は4ヶ国語を話すことが出来る。)*現在

□ You won't(will not) be able to make the connecting flight to Tokyo. (あなたは東京への乗り継ぎ便に間に合わないでしょう。)*未来

□ I haven't(have not) been able to sleep well in these days. (私はこのところ良く眠れていない。)*現在完了

また、特別な状況の下で起こったことを表現するときには、couldではなくwas/were able toを使います。

□ The earthquake occurred just after midnight local time, but everybody was able to escape. (現地時間の真夜中ちょっと過ぎに地震が起きたが、全員避難することが出来た。)*特別な状況 注:否定形のcould not/couldn'tはこの場合も使えます。

>> could have (done)


□ I could have gotten better grade if I made more effort. (もっと努力していたらもっと良い成績を取れた)

□ It could have been even worse. (不幸中の幸いだった。)

must, have to


  • 例文

□ The weather was very nice during their vacation, so they must have had a good time. (彼らの休暇中はとても天気が良かったので、彼らは楽しんだに違いない。)

□ Nobody answer the phone. They must not be home. (誰も電話に出ないから彼らは留守に違いない。)


  • 例文

□ You must wear a seat belt when you are in a car. (車の中ではシートベルトを着用のこと。)

□ This application form must be mailed by today. (この申請書は今日中に郵送しなければならない。)

>> have tomust

Have toは助動詞ではありませんがmustと同じように義務や必要を表現します。疑問文や否定文ではdo(not)/does(not)/did(not)を使います。 また、Mustは現在と未来でしか使えませんので過去形のときはhad toを使います。

  • 例文

□ Julie has to take her mother to the hospital this morning. (Julieは今朝お母さんを病院に連れて行かなければならない。)

□ You don't have to use public transportation to work. You can walk. (仕事へ行くのに公共交通機関を使う必要はない。歩いて行けるよ。)

□ This application form had to be mailed by yesterday. (この申請書は昨日までに郵送しなければならなかった。)

□ What do I have to do to get a letter of recommendation?  (推薦状をもらうには何をする必要がありますか?)

注:must not (mustn't) とdon't/doesn't have toでは意味が異なります。

  • 例文

□ You must not go out now. (いま外に出てはいけません。)

□ You don't have to go out now. (いま外に出る必要はありません=出たければ出ても良い)

may, might

許可のmay, might


□ You may not go out alone after 10 o'clock at night. (夜10時以降は独りで外出してはいけません。)

Might I ask you some questions? (質問してもよろしいですか?)

可能性や推量のmay, might

be going toや willよりも不確定要素を含みます。

□ Alex may be / might be able to give you a chance to get some part-time job. (Alexがあなたに何かパートの仕事に就くチャンスを与えられるかもしれない。)

□ It may not / might not be true. (それは真実ではないだろう。)

>> 過去形にするときにはmay /might + have doneのかたち

□ I can't find my umbrella anywhere. I might / may have left it somewhere last night, (傘がどこにも見つからない。夕べどこかに置き忘れたのだろう。)

>> could も類似の意味を持ちます。

□ It could be true. (それは真実だろう。)

□ I can't find my umbrella anywhere. I could have left it somewhere last night, (傘がどこにも見つからない。夕べどこかに置き忘れたのだろう。)

注:may bemaybe


→ My father may be outside. (OK)

→ My father maybe outside. (NG)

should, ought to, had better

shouldはしばしばとthink(I think, I don't think, Do you think...)と共に使われます。


□ I think you should visit your parents more often. (もう少し頻繁にご両親を訪ねたほうがいいと思います。)

□ I think you should apply for this job. (君はこの仕事に応募したほうがいいと思う。)

□ I think you should have applied for this job. (君がこの仕事に応募すれば良かった のにと思う。)


□ I don't think the price on this tag is right. It should be $19.50, not $29.50. (このタグの価格は正しくないと思う。$29.50ではなく$19.50であるはずだ。)

□ The government should not raise taxes at this time of the year. (政府はこの時点で税を引き上げるべきではない。)


□ You should apologize.(謝ったほうがいい。)

□ You must apologize,(誤らなければならない。)

ought to

oughtはshouldと同じですが必ずtoとセットにします。 また否定形では使われません。(should notを用います)

□ Allen has been studying hard for the exam, so he ought to / should pass. (Allen は一生懸命試験勉強をしてきたのできっとパスするはずだ。)

□ You ought to / should wash your car before dark. (日が暮れる前に車を洗ったほうがいい。)

had better (I'd better, you'd better...)

口語表現で用います。 shouldや ought to と意味が似ていますが、必ずしも同じではありません。shouldはあらゆるケースに使用可能ですが、had better は特定的な状態で使われ、忠告に従わないと問題が起こるような場合で用いられます。 否定形はhad better not ('d better not)

□ I have to meet Yuki at 5 o'clock. I'd better go now or I'll be late. (5時に Yukiに会わなければならない。もう行かないと遅れてしまう。)

We'd better take an umbrella. It might rain later. (傘を持っていったほうがいい。後で雨が降るかもしれない。)

You'd better not be late.(or they will be angry). (遅刻しないように。遅れると彼らは怒るよ。)



□ Emy said she would go there alone. (Emy は一人でそこへ行くつもりだと言った。)

□ It would be nice to buy a new smartphone, but I can't afford it. (新しいスマフォを買えればいいけど(高すぎて)買えないな。)

□ We didn't invite them to the party. They wouldn't have come anyway. (パーティに招待しなかったけど、いずれにしても彼らは来なかっただろう。)


□ I would like to get some information about hotels in Tokyo, please. (東京のホテルについての情報をいただきたいのですが。)

□ “Would you like to have lunch with us on Sunday?” “Yes, I'd love to.” (”日曜日のランチを一緒にいかがですか?はい、ご一緒させていただきたいです。”)

Would it be possible for you to see me on Monday morning at 10 o'clock ? (月曜日の朝10時にお会いすることは可能でしょうか。)


□ When we were small, we would go sledding and skating every winter. (私たちが子供のころ、毎年冬にはそり滑りやスケートに行ったものだ。)

□ My father would often comes back home very late at night. (父はしばしば夜とても遅い時間に帰宅したものだ。)

期待(~だといいのに)を表現するI wish... would /wouldn't

□ I wish Emy would come. (Emyが来てくれればいいのに。)

□ I wish he wouldn't always leave the door open. It bothers me. (彼がいつもドアを開けっ放しでおくのはやめて欲しい。気になるんだ。)

will, won't の過去形で使うwould, wouldn't

□ I promise I won't be late. →I promised that I wouldn't be late. (遅れないと約束します/しました。)

□ Ann:” I will call her and tell her the truth.” →Ann said she would call her and tell her the truth. (Ann:”彼女に電話して本当のことを話すわ。” / Annは彼女に電話して本当のことを話すと言った。)


日本語の意味になるようにカッコ( )を埋めなさい。

  1. ここで何しているの。学校に居なくてはいけない時間でしょ。
    → What are you doing here? You (________)in school right now, (_____) you?
  2. オフィスに居なかったら彼女は会議に出席しているに違いない。
    → If you (____)find her in the office, she (____)attending the conference.
  3. 夏休みにはどちらかといえばアメリカよりもヨーロッパへ行きたい。
    → I (____)rather go to Europe than U.S. for summer vacation.
  4. Peterは今週出張しているので水曜日の会議には出られないだろう。
    → Peter will not (_______)attend the meeting on Wednesday since he is out on a business trip this week.
  5. あのシャツ、アウトレットでもっと安く買えたのに!
    → You (____)have gotten that shirt at the outlet for lower price!
  6. 金曜日までにメールで返事をいただければ幸いです。
    → It (_____)appreciated if you(____)mail me back by Friday.
  7. もう10時だ。あまり心配しないうちに母に電話をしなければ。
    → It's 10:00 already. I(_____)call my mother before she starts worrying too much.
  8. バーバラは明日学校に来ないかもしれない。
    → Barbara(______)come to school tomorrow.
  9. 来週末に引越しを手伝ってもらえますか?
    → (_____)you help me move next weekend?
  10. 雨になりそうだから傘を持っていったほうがいいですよ。
    → It looks like rain. You(_____)take an umbrella with you





Exercise 1 (Subordinate clause)

Write out the subordinate clause part included in each of the following sentences.

  1. While we were watching the soccer game, it began to rain.
  2. Do you know anyone who speaks English and French fluently?
  3. What you are saying is completely wrong.
  4. We know some people who live in the United States.
  5. My mother always cooked for us even though she had a full time job.
  6. Everything that happened was basically my fault.

Clauses/Exercise1_(Answer)|Exercise1 Answer

Exercise 2 (Adverbial clause)

Choose from the selection groups (a) to (e) and fill in the blanks. Use capital letters as needed.

  1. [______________________] is not too difficult.
  2. I have no idea [______________________].
  3. We will arrive the airport by four [______________________].
  4. The woman [______________________] is a principal of our school.
  5. We stayed at the beach villa [______________________].
  6. We rented a car with navigation [______________________].
  7. [______________________], this road always has a traffic jam.

Selection group:

  • (a) whom you met at the graduation
  • (b) when it snows
  • (c) so that we would not get lost
  • (d) that Kim recommended to us
  • (e) how I got home last night
  • (f) that you study English
  • (g) if we leave now

Clauses/Exercise2_(Answer)|Exercise2 Answer

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