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Yahoo! Listing Ads (Wikipedia)

"Yahoo! Listing Advertising is one of the Internet advertisements conducted by Yahoo Japan Corporation in Japan. A text advertisement of the advertiser will be posted on a portal site such as Yahoo! JAPAN with a link. There is no charge for the placement of the advertisement itself, and it is one of the click-reward type advertisements that is charged when the advertisement is clicked.Yahoo! Listing advertisements are classified as "Sponsored Search" and "Interest It consists of two types of "match". "


Search-linked advertisement (Wikipedia)

"Search-linked advertisement (Kensakurendou-tagakokoku)" is a type of Internet advertisement

and is an advertisement (text format) that displays advertisements related to keywords

searched by general users on search engines on the search result screen. (Search engine marketing)

"Advertising with search keywords", "Search ads", "Search keyword ads", "Listing ads", or

that the advertiser (client) is charged for each click (click charge ( PPC: Pay Per Click))

to "P4P (Pay for Performance)".

Recently, along with Facebook ads, etc., it is becoming one of the operational ads.

Famous are "Sponsored Search" by Overture, a US company specialized in paid listing services acquired by Yahoo !, and "AdWords" by Google. "

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