Innovative Farming / Insects, etc.

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Innovative Farming


Bee cub

Nagano Prefecture, a mountainous area in Japan, has been eating insects or insects

for a long time. For example, the bee cub is famous.

Hachinoko (Wikipedia) Japan

Even today, you can eat what you put in Gomoku rice at restaurants in Nagano prefecture.


In Nagano Prefecture, Japan, we have eaten locusts, which are pests of rice.

Locust (Wikipedia) Japan

This is also sometimes sold as tsukudani at supermarkets in Nagano prefecture.


Alternatively, in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, silkworm sericulture was popular,

but I ate the silkworm pupae obtained at that time.

wikipedia: Bombyx mori

It's a little oily but tasty, and it helped children survive hunger during World War II or

during post-war food shortages.

River bug

Also, in Nagano prefecture in Japan, there is a culture that eats

river insects = zazamushi, though not necessarily insects. This is also occasionally seen

in parking areas in Nagano prefecture. It looks bad, but it's delicious.

Zazamushi (Wikipedia) Japan


Escargot is made from so-called snails and is indispensable for French cuisine.

wikipedia: Escargot

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